Inaktive russere
Bare to av 10 russere i Barentsregionen driver med fysisk trening. Verst er situasjonen i Murmansk.
Barents Observer understreker at vertene for OL i Sochi nylig har store behov for å øke innsatsen. Om situasjonen i Murmansk spesielt skriver avisen:
Also in Murmansk, the region with the lowest level of physical activity in the whole Barents Region, regional authorities appear to be taking measures. According to a 2013 report from the regional Sports Committee, several new sports complexes are under construction and the number of people active in sports is due to increase over the next years. In 2007, only 10,8 percent of the regional population engaged in sports. In 2012, that figure had increased to 12 percent.