NATO's Arctic Commander in Northern Norway

American vice-admiral Daniel Dwyer (left) and the Norwegian Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen, together with a polar bear of unknown origin. (Photo: The Norwegian Armed Forces)
The NATO Commander for the Arctic is in Norway to meet the Defense and the Ministry of Defence. Now he is in Northern Norway to visit the Norwegian Joint Headquarters. "The fact that Vice Admiral Daniel Dwyer spends four days in Norway shows how close and important this relationship is", says the Norwegian Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen.
American Vice Admiral Daniel Dwyer has this week met with the leadership of the Norwegian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence. Dwyer, who commands the Joint Force Command Norfolk, is responsible for the areas including Norway, the Arctic, and eventually all of the Nordic region.
"The fact that Vice Admiral Dwyer is spending four days in Norway shows how close and important this relationship is," says Norwegian Chief of Defence, General Eirik Kristoffersen.
Together, they have used the visit to follow up on the political decisions made at this summer's NATO summit in Vilnius. This includes the approval of regional plans for NATO, notably the development of JFC Norfolk. Norway contributes with key personnel to the command, including Kristian Simonsen, who this autumn became Command Senior Enlisted Leader at JFC Norfolk.
"It's crucial that we in Norway support the development of JFC Norfolk. It is equally important that Dwyer is aware of our available forces and capabilities," states the Chief of Defence.
He speaks of productive discussions and a shared commitment to mission success. On Wednesday, the two chiefs had a digital meeting with the other Nordic chiefs of defence. There, the JFC Commander was updated on issues and situations critical to the Nordic and Arctic regions.
They also discussed the upcoming winter exercise, Nordic Response, set to take place in Northern Norway, Sweden, and Finland in March 2024.
On Thursday and Friday, the Commander is in Bodø, Northern Norway. In Bodø, Vice Admiral Dwyer visits the Norwegian Joint Headquarters (NJHQ). He also attends the change of command ceremony on Friday, where Vice Admiral Rune Andersen succeeds Yngve Odlo as head of the NJHQ.
"The NJHQ plays a significant role for NATO today and will continue to do so in the future," Chief of Defence Eirik Kristoffersen remarks.