Newsletter: Happy Holidays From High North News!

Dear reader; during this year's final work week, we met Finland's ambassador to Norway, covered the climate crisis and – as has become the new normal this year – security policy. You also get the Editor-in-Chief's thoughts served up in the form of the last commentary of the year.
This year's final commentary from our Editor-in-Chief takes on the refugee crisis. That is, rich people's flight to Switzerland, the voters from the government, and the northerners flight to the south.
"Norway is facing a refugee crisis hardly anyone saw coming," writes Arne O. Holm.
NATO and Finland
Finland's new ambassador to Norway, Teemu Tanner, can confirm the impression many have of Finland;
On the topic of security policy, we have also written about the U.S. Air Force, which has awarded a new maintenance contract for the Thule Air Base in line with an agreement to revert contracts to Greenlandic-controlled companies.
Power and sanctions
A bit of culture at the eve of the year;
On behalf of the editorial staff, I would like to thank you for the past year. Thank you for all your input, shares, likes, and tips. And thank you for following us into 2023.
It will undoubtedly be an exciting year, where we will once again hit the Arctic roads again with our mobile office under the High North Tour segment, among other things.
We wish you a merry and peaceful Christmas,
News Editor Trine Jonassen, Editor-in-Chief Arne O. Holm, Journalists Hilde-Gunn Bye and Astri Edvardsen, and Translator Birgitte Annie Molid Martinussen.