Luksuscruise i iskanten

Den som har opplevd alt, kan fra 2. september bestille plass på luksuscruise gjennom Nordvestpassasjen. I sin spalte "Luxury" skriver britiske Telegraph :

In August 2016, Crystal Cruise's 250m, 13-deck Crystal Serenity – which accommodates 1,070 guests and 655 crew – will embark from Anchorage Alaska on a 32-night cruise that risks criticism, given the delicate nature of this particular environment. It will head north to Kodiak, Dutch Harbor and Nome in Alaska, then into Canadian waters, to Ulukhaktok, Cambridge Bay and Pond Inlet, Nunavut, Ilulissat, Sisimiut, then on to Nuuk on Greenland, and south down the US coast, stopping at Bar Harbor in Maine, Boston and Newport, Rhode Island.


