Newsletter 18 September 2024 In the Wake of the War

Espen Barth Eide, Anu Fredrikson, Pasi Rajala, Mike Sfraga. Panel Arctic Security Conference.

Foreign Minister of Norway Espen Barth Eide, Director of Arctic Frontiers Anu Fredrikson, Political Secretary of State in Finland Pasi Rajala, Mike Sfraga, chair of the US Arctic Research Commission, during a panel on Arctic Security Conference. (Photo: Arne O. Holm)

Dear reader. Russia's war in Europe continues to approach the Arctic. A war that has already divided Norway in two believes Arne O. Holm. We also continue to follow the Russian shadow fleet, which sails unimpeded in Norwegian waters. We also report on the announced cod crisis. Here is the latest news from the North.

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Next year, the Norwegian cod quota will likely be at its lowest in 30 years, and the situation is dire for major parts of the fishing fleet. High North News is following the development, so stay tuned. 

Sweden expresses readiness to take on the role of a framework nation in the NATO enhanced forward presence to be established in Finland. 

“Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine has divided Norway in two," believes Editor and Commentator Arne O. Holm. 

Read why here. 

Russia's shadow fleet 

Traffic between Russia and China continues to be the driver for Arctic transit shipping traffic on the Northern Sea Route, a new report by the Center for High North Logistics shows. 

Despite the EU’s efforts to phase out imports of Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG), the super-chilled gas from the Arctic continues to flow unabated into the continent. 

However, Russia's largest natural gas producer issued a forceful statement that it is not involved in the establishment of the LNG shadow fleet. 

Russia's test site at Novaya Zemlya, around 80 kilometers from Finnmark in Northern Norway, is ready for the resumption of full-scale nuclear tests, according to its manager Andrey Sinitsin. (Norwegian only) 

Industrial news 

The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate has sent out a hearing for 11 wind turbines and four electric power transmissions in Finnmark, Northern Norway. (Norwegian only) 

Read about this and more in High North News! Feel free to participate in the debate on our social media platforms or send a letter to the editor to

Best regards, 

Editor-in-Chief Trine Jonassen
