Updated Corona in the Arctic: Alaska Introduces Measures Against Hoarding

Anchorage, Alaska.

With almost half the state’s inhabitants, Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska. Photo: Paxson Woelber/Wikimedia Commons

Alaska still has a very low number of persons infected with the Corona virus compared to the rest of the USA. Nevertheless, the state’s authorities prepare for the pandemic to increase, the High North News’ daily mapping of the extension of the Corona virus in the Arctic shows.

Alaska is still one of the US’ states that has a relatively low number of people infected with the virus; 119 registered infections and 3 deaths, according to Alaska Department of Health and Social Services.

Nevertheless, the state’s authorities prepare for the infection situation to escalate. Yesterday, Alaskan District Attorney Bryan Schroder announced that the Ministry of Justice will establish a new task force that is to investigate and prosecute hoarding and price gouging, and that his office will follow this up.

They do so based on an Executive Order signed by President Donald Trump on 23 March 2020. The order prohibits hoarding of specific items to prevent spreading the Covid-19 virus. The restrictions mainly apply to medical equipment such as face masks, respirators and ventilators.

High North News keeps monitoring the situation in the Arctic.

Total number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the High North

Total number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Arctic Council Member States


This article was originally published in Norwegian and has been translated by HNN's Elisabeth Bergquist.
