Significant Chinese Delegation Visiting Ny-Ålesund

Last week, the Norwegian Polar Institute welcomed a significant Chinese delegation to Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard.

China has its research station, Yellow River Station, in this settlement. It opened in 2004 and is part of the Norwegian Ny-Ålesund research station, which the aforementioned institute leads. It facilitates international natural science research cooperation.

The delegation was led by China's Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Sun Jinlong. The Norwegian Polar Institute's Director, Camilla Brekke, was the host. The Norwegian Climate and Environment Ministry was also represented by State Secretary Kjersti Bjørnstad (Center), among others.

"The Chinese Polar Research Institute, PRIC, has been an important contributor to the research environment in Ny-Ålesund for a long time. Our researcher co-publish with Chinese researchers, particularly within geo-scientific disciplines. The Ny-Ålesund cooperation between researchers from various countries is unique, and joint research projects are precisely what we want here," says Brekke.

The Chinese visitors gained insights into how the Ny-Ålesund research station works, in addition to a trip out on the Kongsfjord to learn about how glaciers on Svalbard are rapidly changing. 

"We have received confirmation from China that research cooperation and our hosting in Ny-Ålesund works well and is greatly appreciated. Like us, they are concerned with climate change and how this could affect both ecosystems and our way of life," says Brekke.

ALSO READ: Chinese and Turkish Polar Researchers Explore Cooperation With Russia in Svalbard