Seven companies own half of Norwegian wind power
Now, 69 per cent of Norwegian wind power is owned by foreigners. Seven companies own more than half of the installed capacity, only two of the seven companies are Norwegian. The figures emerge from analysis done by Europower, which has reviewed the ownership of Norwegian wind farms based on NVE's wind power database.
The Norwegian newspaper Fremover has reported on the case.
The 65 Norwegian wind farms are owned two-thirds by foreign companies. The two Norwegian companies are Statkraft and TrønderEnergi/Aneo.
Statkraft owns or controls a total of 13 per cent of the installed capacity for Norwegian wind power. In second place comes a publicly owned German company: Stadtwerke München GMBH.
In the last place on the podium we find Øyfjellet Wind Holdco SARL, an investment fund based in Luxembourg. Companies based in Luxembourg own 19 per cent of Norwegian wind power, calculated as a share of total capacity.