Russia’s Company in Svalbard: Strengthens Cooperation With Russian University Sector

Going forward, Trust Arktikugol and Tambov State University wish to collaborate on, among other things, research activities in the Russian settlements in Svalbard. This alludes to the existing science center in Barentsburg (pictured), which is run by a subsidiary body of the Russian Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), and the plan for an international Arctic science station in Pyramiden. (Photo: Dag Halvorsen)
Trust Arktikugol, Russia's company in Svalbard, has now entered into a partnership with a fourth Russian university for research and education cooperation. The company is likely to receive over USD 40 million in government funding in the next few years.
Trust Arktikugol continues its efforts to develop research and educational activities in Svalbard.
On Friday, the Russian state-owned company entered into a cooperation agreement with Tambov State University, located southeast of Moscow, on research, education, and expert analytic activities.
The agreement was signed in the company's offices in Barentsburg by Director Ildar Neverov and Yana Yurievna Radyukova, Pro-Rector of Education and International Activities.
"At the meeting, the director and the pro-rector discussed cooperation on educational programs, joint research work in Barentsburg and Pyramiden, participation in international projects, as well as other scientific and education-oriented activities," writes Trust Arktikugol on its website.
Thus, the company has entered into its fourth partnership with a Russian university (see overview below).
This follows Trust Arktikugol's initiative to develop an international Arctic science station with educational programs in Pyramiden together with BRICS countries (including Brazil, China, and India) and other "friendly" countries, such as Turkey and Thailand. This plan was launched in April 2023.
State funding
Russia has expressed an aim to strengthen its presence in Svalbard – and the focus areas are tourism and research.
For the period from 2025-2027, Trust Arktikugol and its tourism subsidiary, Grumant, are likely to receive a grant of about 4 billion rubles, writes the Russian state news agency TASS.
This amounts to over 40 million USD.
The funds are more concretely included in the Russian government's proposal for the federal national budget for 2025, as well as the tentative budget for the years 2026 and 2027.
As the Russian parliament tends to have little real influence on budget policy, the upcoming budget decisions will probably be close to the proposal.
Envisions internships
Pavel Moiseev, Rector of Tambov State University, says the following to the university's students about the new cooperation with Trust Arktikugol:
"It is expected that those who study ecology and international affairs will receive internships in Spitsbergen (in the Kingdom of Norway) and work in the Arktikugol system, as well as participate in the 'Floating University' program," Moiseev states.
This national Russian program provides marine science and engineering students with research practice at sea, including through annual expeditions in Arctic waters. The latter goes by the name 'The Arctic Floating University.'
"The tourism industry also needs many professionals – innkeepers, interpreters, tour guides, historians, and many others. Trust Arktikugol has many tasks. Thus, the university's students have real prospects in this sense," adds Moiseev.
In its new Svalbard white paper, the Norwegian government says that it wants the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) to be the sole provider of higher education in Svalbard.
Firstly, this seems to limit the possibilities of realizing Trust Arktikugol's concept for a combined science and educational center in Pyramiden. Furthermore, it is unknown whether the Norwegian policy also covers internships for students in higher education.
Other university partners
As mentioned, Trust Arktikuhol has already entered into cooperation agreements with three Russian universities. These are:
• The Northern (Arctic) Federal University in Arkhangelsk (NArFU): This partnership was initiated in April 2023 and includes cooperation on training specialists, joint research work, and participation in international projects.
• Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow (RSUH): The cooperation agreement of December 2023 includes that Trust Arktikugol will be a partner for a new bachelor's program in Arctic studies at the university.
• Moscow's State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO): The cooperation agreement of January 2024 facilitates scientific support for the company's projects and collaboration on the training of personnel in fields such as international trade, logistics, environment and climate safety, sustainable development, as well as environmental, social and governance (ESG).