Parliamentary Delegation Visits Norway to address Climate Change

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
Led by OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President George Tsereteli, the delegation will include leaders of the OSCE PA's economic and environmental committee and Norwegian parliamentarians. The visit will focus primarily on climate change and related security concerns. Photo by: OSCE
A delegation of parliamentarians from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe visits Nothern Norway this week.
A delegation of parliamentarians from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) visits Northern Norway this week.
Led by OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President George Tsereteli, the delegation will include leaders of the OSCE PA's economic and environmental committee and Norwegian parliamentarians. The visit will focus primarily on climate change and related security concerns.
So far thay have visited Tromsø and Svalbard.
The visit to Tromsø included a briefing by experts from the Arctic Council and the Centre for the Ocean and the Arctic.
They have also had briefings at the Fram Centre with expert presentations on Arctic Sea warming and ice changes, as well as ways climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Arctic.
Tuesday the study visit on the High North continued in the Svalbard archipelago with discussions with Governor Askholt and Longyearbyen Mayor Olsen on local administration, new challenges for rescue services, and handling climate change in a small Arctic society.
The visit is organized by the Norwegian Parliment, Stortinget.

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. Members in Tromsø to be briefed by experts on climate change in the Arctic region, Tromsø, 20 May 2019. Photo by: OSCE