Norwegian-American Collaboration on Blue Growth

The High North Centre for Business and Governance (HNC) at Nord University, Bodø/Norway, and the Institute of the North in Alaska are now commencing a three-year project called AlaskaNor.
The High North Centre for Business and Governance (HNC) at Nord University, Bodø/Norway, and the Institute of the North in Alaska are now commencing a three-year project called AlaskaNor.
AlaskaNor is partially funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and MFA State Secretary Audun Halvorsen says sustainable management of ocean resources are a key part of the government's High North strategy.
- International cooperation and the sharing of knowledge about opportunities and challenges of the blue economy are important. I hope the AlaskaNor project will contribute to strengthening the existing good Arctic relations between Norway and the USA as well as identify new opportunities for collaboration in ocean economy in Alaska and Northern Norway, Halvorsen says.
One of the project's goals is to produce knowledge about good solutions that are useful for both regional and national ators who can st imulate blue growth in the High North.
At the project launch during a High North Dialogue event at the Arendal Week, an excited Director of the HNC Frode Mellemvik said that the project is of particular importance for the developing of knowledge between Norway and the USA.
- AlaskaNor is important for the High North Centre. We have a long-standing history with Russia and we cooperate with a series of other Arctic states, and this work is continually developing. Now, we will also have the opportunity to work close and committedly with American institutions, developing knowledge and finding good solutions for good and close cooperation about the High North that is relevant to them too, Mellemvik said.
Nordland County is also partially funding the project. County Councilor Tomas Norvoll (Labour) says he believes AlaskaNor will clarify potential future paths:
- We must create sustainable blue growth in our Arctic areas through marine resources. However, the future blue growth of the Arctic may also lie in areas such as offshore, energy, shipping and transportation. We must look at what role the regional level should play in international interaction and take responsibility from an Arctic development perspective, Norvoll points out.