Norway's new submarines are under construction

On Tuesday, the start of construction of Norway's new submarines was marked in Kiel, Germany, writes the Ministry of Defense in a press release.

The four submarines are to be delivered in 2029. Ramsund Naval Station in Northern Norway is intended as a forward base for these. According to the plan, the station will have a new quay facility, as well as new buildings for their operation and maintenance.

"Submarines make Norway safer. Submarines are a key military capability for Norway. The ability to operate covertly, combined with great striking power, contributes significantly to the Norwegian Armed Forces' deterrent effect. Submarines are a strategic capacity of great importance for the Norwegian Armed Forces' operational capability and allied cooperation," says Minister of Defense Bjørn Arild Gram (Center).

Germany, which has specialist expertise in submarines, is Norway's strategic partner in this procurement. The two countries are buying identical submarines, and will interact in areas such as education, training and maintenance.

On Tuesday, Gram and German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) also signed a bilateral agreement on closer defense and security cooperation.

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