Norway Upgrades the Road to Russia

The Bøkfjord Bridge arrived in Kirkenes by boat. This weekend, it will be liftet into place along the E105 road. (Photo: Vegvesenet/Svenn Yngvar Pedersen)
This weekend, a 284 meters long steel bridge will be lifted into place on the road leading from Norway to Russia at Storskog.

This weekend, a 284 meters long steel bridge arc will be lifted into place on the road leading from Norway to Russia at Storskog.

The Bøkfjord Bridge is set to be lifted into place on Saturday. The 284 meters long bridge includes a 120 meters long bridgespan in the form of a steel arc. The bridge is located on road E105, which is the only road connection across the Norwegian-Russian border and thus an important trans-Barents corridor.

The E105 road is currently being upgraded on both sides of the border. The Norwegian part of the upgrade covers a distance of 10 kilometers and will also see a new 690 meters long tunnel through the Trifonhøgda area.

The total cost estimate for the Norwegian side of the project is NOK 875 million, approximately 90 million Euro. It will open for traffic in September.
