Nordic Defense Cooperation Strengthened With New Joint Concept

Signed important agreement: Sweden's Chief of Defense, General Michael Bydén; Norway's Chief of Defense, General Eirik Kristoffersen; Island's Chief of Defense, Jónas Allansson; Finland's Chief of Defense, General Janne Jaakkola, and Denmark's Chief of Defense, General Michael Wiggers Hyldgaard. (Photo: the Danish Defense Command)
The Nordic Chiefs of Defense have signed an agreement on a joint defense concept for the region. This will synchronize the countries' defense plans and facilitate, among other things, more joint military exercises and educational activities, capacity building, and joint operations.
The five Nordic Chiefs of Defense recently signed a Nordic defense concept. This represents a new milestone in the development of the Nordic defense cooperation within the framework of NORDEFCO.
"NATO accession of Sweden and Finland has provided an unprecedented opportunity to deepen our defense collaboration, bringing an operational focus to our collective efforts," says the chiefs of defense in a joint statement.
The new concept is central to achieving the goals set in NORDEFCO's Vision 2030, which was launched this spring.
"The Nordic Defense Concept describes overarching principles of our regional cooperation, enhancing our capability to act together in all security situations, in peace, crisis, and armed conflict," continue the defense chiefs.
More specifically, the concept will harmonize the countries' individual but overlapping defense plans – and enable a seamless transition to NATO's regional plans in times of crises and war. In such situations, the focus will be shifted to facilitating reinforcements for allies while maintaining the defense of the Nordic region.
The concept will also facilitate for cooperation on more joint military exercises and educational activities, joint capacity building, joint operations and surveillance activities, as well as the development of shared communication and military infrastructure.
Strengthens the Nordic contribution to NATO
"This initiative reflects our united commitment to strengthening the deterrence and defense of the Nordic region and the Euro-Atlantic Area in the framework of NATO," the defense chiefs point out and continue:
"It represents an important step forward in our collective defense efforts, ensuring that our nations are well prepared to respond to any security challenges that may arise."
"The Nordic Defense Concept not only fortifies our defense capabilities but reinforces our roles as reliable and proactive Allies. Moving forward, we remain committed to continuously improving and adapting in response to the evolving security landscape," they underline.
In addition to benefiting NATO, the closer Nordic defense cooperation will also contribute positively to defense cooperation in the EU and within the British-led Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF), the Danish Defense Ministry points out.
As this year's chair of NORDEFCO, Denmark has prioritized the work on the new defense concept. It has previously been announced that the concept will be presented at the NORDEFCO ministerial meeting in Copenhagen in November.
NORDEFCO in short
• NORDEFCO was established in 2009 by the five Nordic states: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland.
• The overarching aim is to strengthen the participants’ national defense, explore common synergies, and facilitate efficient common solutions.
• The cooperation takes place at both the political and the military level.
• The chairship alternates between the former four states. Last year, the format was led by Sweden. Denmark holds the chairship this year.