New ski equipment for northern troops in Finland

NATO Supply and Procurement Agency (NSPA) has completed the competitive tendering process for ski equipment that meets the requirements of the Finnish Defence Forces. Through the NSPA, the Defence Forces Logistics Command will acquire more than 8,000 pairs of ski equipment for the Ground Forces' northern troops.

That is stated in a press release from the Finnish Army.

The total value of the purchase, including VAT, is almost EUR 3 million. 

“With the help of the new skis, we will improve the combatants’ ability to advance especially in deep snow. The weight of the combatants and the equipment they carry has increased over time, which has also set new requirements for the skis," says Colonel Juhana Skyttä, Infantry Inspector from the Army Command. 

The new ski equipment will be delivered to the Jaeger Brigade and Kainuu Brigade during the winter season 2023–2024. The ski equipment is designed to function and carry especially in the snow conditions of northern Finland. 

The existing ski equipment will remain in use with the troops operating in areas where the volume of deep snow is smaller than in the north.

The NSPA framework agreements also enable other countries to join the procurement between 2023 and 2025, which would generate advantage of volume and operational compatibility between the northern troops.