New government on Iceland

More than two months after its October 29 elections, Iceland finally has a new government.
It took more than two months and three failed attempts before Iceland finally could welcome its new coalition government, according to the Arctic Journal. Yesterday Bjarni Benediktsson of the Independence Party (IP) could present the platform for a government formed by his own party, the Reform Party and Bright Future.
Narrow majority
The coalition holds 32 of a total of 63 seats in parliament and thus holds a majority, however paper-thin. The Independence Party holds 21 seats, which makes it the largest party in the coalition. The IP will have six cabinet members. The other two parties combined hold 11 seats. The Reform Party will have three cabinet members, including the Treasury, while Bright Future will have two cabinet members.
Raising the EU question
The election result is expected to once again raise the issue of EU membership in the Icelandic public debate, according to international media.
After the international financial crisis hit Iceland hard in 2008, the country applied to join the EU in 2009. However, following a stronger economy, popular support for a potential EU membership decreased. The previous government coalition, consisting of IP and the Progressive Party, formally withdrew the application in March 2015.
The Independence Party opposes EU membership, while its coalition partners both are in favor thereof.