Newsletter: Money in, money out - Lots at stake

Krabbebåter til kai i Dutch Harbor, som befinner seg på øygruppen Aleutene i Alaska. (Foto: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health / Wikimedia Commons).

Crab boats to the quay in Dutch Harbor, located on the Aleutian archipelago in Alaska. (Photo: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health / Wikimedia Commons).

This week's newsletter includes mining, surveillance, financially strong investors and losses - amongst others. Because while money appears to be pouring in in Northern Norway, the door is shutting for Alaskan crab catchers.

In the industry, as anywhere else, a window might open up when the door shuts. When the mining company Nussir’s buyer opted out, it was not the end of the world for the company.

“We have more interested buyers”, says CEO Øystein Rushfeldt to High North News.

This week also brought groundbreaking exciting news from Andøya Space Defence, which is working on offering complete real time surveillance of the High North, from the outer universe to the deep ocean valleys.

The director of Andøya Space Defence refers to this as a complete situational understanding of the Arctic.

Big values, big decisions

In Sweden, the government is proposing an exemption law that is good news for mining giant LKAB, which is still looking for a new cement supplier and was otherwise forced to limit production dramatically.

In Alaska, state authorities are closing the Bristol Bay red king crab fishery for the season. That may have serious repercussions for the fishing fleet, the industry and local communities in the state.

And at the outmost archipelago of Norway’s infamous Lofoten Islands, Røst, there is a story worth noting that reaches far beyond Norwegian borders:

Soon, the island municipality with only some 500 inhabitants will export goods for millions of Euros. High North News went to Røst to experience this value chain first-hand.

Election in Iceland

As announced last week, elections are ongoing all over the Arctic. This week we cover those in Iceland, where there are parliamentary elections tomorrow. Icelanders take to the voting booths to decide who will govern for the next four years.

The Icelandic election is primarily about socio-economic issues, argues Professor Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen at the University of Tromsø.

At High North News you will find more about the elections in the Arctic, as well as interesting debates. Feel free to share our newsletter with others!
Wishing you all the best for this September weekend from the High North News’ editorial staff!
Trine Jonassen,
News Editor,
High North News
