Minke whale quota of 999 animals in 2017

Whaling boat "Kato" of Ålesund, Norway. (Photo: Sylvi Inez Liljegren/NRK).
The quota for minke whale is increased from 880 to 999 animals during this year's whale hunting season, according to the Norwegian Fisheries Department.
The quota for minke whale is increased from 880 to 999 animals during this year's whale hunting season, according to the Norwegian Fisheries Department.
The increase in the number of whales to take out is based on calculation models from the International Whaling Commission, according to the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.
The Department has also chosen to combine the hunting areas of Svalbard, the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea into one area, in order to provide the flexibility required for the whale hunters.
- We make it both easier and more flexible for the whale hunters while also making sure that the hunt takes place within responsible, scientific advice, Fisheries Minister Per Sandberg says.
According to the Department, this years's quota provides full sustainability in managing the minke whale population.
During the past three years the quotas were 736 animals in 2014, 660 animals in 2015 and 591 animals in 2016. In 2014 and 2015 there were 20 boats participating in the hunt, compared to 17 boats in 2016.
- I believe both the quota numbers and the flexibility of the hunting area will build a solid foundation for a good hunting season for the whaling industry, Fisheries Minister Per Sandberg says.
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