Invests NOK 150 million in Elkem Rana

At the Industri 2017 conference in Bodø, Norway Managing Director Helge Aasen of Elkem AS yesterday announced that the company will invest NOK 150 million in upgrading its ferrosilicon plant at Elkem Rana.
The investment will reduce the amount of dust emissions and also secure a high and stable production.
- Elkem is a global actor; however, we want to keep investing in Norway. We have invested 11 billion NOK in this country during the last ten years, and we have now decided to invest NOK 150 million in environmental measures and increased efficiency at Elkem Rana, Aasen says. He is also Chairman of the Norsk Industry (‘Norwegian Industry’) employer’s union.
The upgrade project commences this autumn and part projects will run all the way through 2018. The investments will be used to upgrade the technical facilities as well as spent on HSE and environmental measures.
- This is both good news and an important signal, says County Government President Tomas Norvoll (Labour) following Aasen’s announcement at the Industri 2017 conference at Scandic Havet Hotel in Bodø.
- The power-processing industry is crucial in a time with heavy emphasis placed on the green shift. Hydropower is a part of the solution when green jobs are to be created. This investment further goes to prove that big companies are willing to invest in the High North, Norvoll says.
- This investment decision is made on Elkem’s own initiative because we want to take our part of the responsibility. This will have positive effects for both Elkem and the local community, says Trond Sæterstad, Division Director of Elkem Silicon Materials.
In a press statement, Elkem AS announces that Mo Fjernvarme will invest a further NOK 20 million to improve the suction capacity of its furnaces, which will also contribute to improved accumulation of production dust and less diffuse emissions.
Stein Lier-Hansen, Managing Director of Norsk Industry, praises the news:
- As is the argument: Upgraded technical facilities means less emissions, while also securing continual high and stable production. Elkem is one out of several industrial companies that invest in the environment and efficient production. The company with this verifies that Norwegian industry has a bright outlook on the future and is willing to contribute to a low-emission society.
Elkem is one of the world’s leading producers of advanced silicon-related materials and metals. The company has 24 plants globally and sales offices in more than 40 countries. Elkem has more than 3,800 employees and has its headquarters in Oslo.