Increased Threat from Foreign Intelligence against Denmark, Greenland and Faroe Islands, Says Danish Intelligence

Danish seamen from the ‘Knud Rasmussen’ take part in a 2016 search-and-rescue exercise near Nuuk, Greenland. (Photo: Beredskabsstyrelsen / DEMA)
On Thursday, the Danish Security and Intelligence Service warned of a rising threat from foreign intelligence activities against Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands.
The Danish Security and Intelligence Service recently published a report that said there had been numerous examples of attempted spying on Denmark, whose active global role had helped make it a tempting target.
"The threat from foreign intelligence activities against Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands have increased in recent years," Anders Henriksen, head of counterintelligence at the Danish Security and Intelligence Service said, as reported by Reuters.
Greenland and the Faroe Islands are sovereign territories under the Kingdom of Denmark and have extensive self-government, but most foreign and security issues are handled by Copenhagen under the Realm of the Danish Crown.
The report also said foreign intelligence services - including from China, Russia, and Iran - were trying to make contact with students, researchers, and companies to harness information on Danish technology and research.
Thursday's report said NATO member Denmark's active international role, the openness of its society, and high levels of technological knowledge all served to make it "an attractive target of foreign intelligence activities".