Increased Allocation for the High North Center of Business and Governance

Frode Mellemvik, direktør ved Nordområdesenteret i Bodø mener det er essensielt å få til et forskningsløft i nord. Foto: Christine Karijord
The High North Center of Business and Governance at Nord University in Bodø, Norway, sees its budget frame allocations increased from 10 to 14 million Norwegian kroner in the Revised National Budget for 2017.
The budget frame allocations will thus be 14 million NOK on an annual basis, providing an extra 4 million NOK as early as this year.
Very happy
Director Frode Mellemvik of the High North Center for Business and Governance at Nord University is very pleased:
- This is a clear signal from the government that they see the need for the important work that the High North Center is doing. Now we can work more securely, with better and more secure frames for our activities, and secure many of our activities that have been funded as projects so far.
Good dialogue
Mellemvik refers to the High North Center having applied for an allocation increased by 10 million, though he says he is nevertheless pleased with the four that have been granted – so far.
- We have a good dialogue with the government, and we also noticed that the government’s new High North Strategy, which was presented recently, supports the strengthening of the High North Center.
The strategy emphasizes further focus on innovation and business development in the North, and this is operationalized among others through “continued support of North Norwegian competence communities in order for this knowledge to benefit research and innovation in business, society and public management”.
The government follows up
- I am very happy that the government now delivers on its promise, Mellemvik says to High North News. However, he promises to work hard to achieve further increases in the budget frame allocations to the High North Center.
Member of Parliament Margunn Ebbesen (Conservatives) from Nordland also expresses joy over the increased allocations to the High North Center.
A clear signal
- I attended the 10-year anniversary celebrations of the High North Center for Business and Governance, and was also thoroughly introduced to the important work that the center does. And I have been following it for a long time.
To us, this is a clear signal that the government recognizes this effort, and that it wants to support this knowledge community. It is also a direct consequence of the statements of the recent High North Strategy.
- I am quite simply very happy that we have managed to do this, Ebbesen says.
The High North Center, located at Nord University, is a national center for research, education and policy development. The center recognizes and develops innovation, business creation and politics in the High North area. The Center was established in 2007.
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