ICES new Observer of the Arctic Council

USA's Foreign Minister Rex Tillerson hands the chairmanship of the Arctic Council over to the Finnish Foreign Minister Timo Soini in Fairbanks, Alaska in May 2017. ICES was admitted as Observer at that gathering. (Photo: Arne O. Holm)
ICES, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, was one of seven new organizations to be admitted as Observers of the Arctic Council at the last Arctic Council Ministerial meeting.
ICES, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, was one of seven new organizations to be admitted as Observers of the Arctic Council at the last Arctic Council Ministerial meeting.
ICES is already active in the Arctic, coordinating and developing science and monitoring, and also providing advice on fisheries management, the Arctic Council announces.
There are 20 ICES member countries around the North Atlantic, and the organization includes more than 1,500 participants annually, representing more than 50 countries and contributing to 160 working groups.