Newsletter Heading Toward Fall!

Under Festspillene presenterte Sveen Nordtings finurlige nye kunstverk: den hvite reinløven. Foran seg har skulpturen en nomadisk tilværelse. – Den skal ikke bli stående her i Harstad. Jeg har ikke helt klare planer for den ennå, men har veldig lyst til å ta den med til Oslo og plassere den foran Stortinget på et tidspunkt, forteller han. (Foto: Knut Åserud)

During the Arctic Arts Festival, Amund Sjøli Sveen presented the Nordting whimsical new work of art: the white reindeer lion. (Photo: Knut Åserud)

Dear reader. The end of summer is nearing, and the Nordic people are slowly waking up from their summer hibernation and populating the offices again. The High North News editorial staff is no exception. We are back – with the fall's first newsletter.

Les på norsk

The observant reader and subscriber will notice that the newsletter is published earlier than usual. No, today is not Friday. We have just changed days to Thursdays so that you will get more interesting content at once. 

The climate crisis has not taken a break during the summer. 

Due to Arctic industrialization and ice-free waters, several whale species are increasingly being exposed to impactful activities. 

We have also talked to Svalbard researcher Andreas Østhagen, who says the Norwegian government’s silence regarding certain misunderstandings about Svalbard fuels misconceptions. 

Fisheries and defense 

You can read about how well the Norwegian export of herring is going here. (Norwegian only) 

We also report about the Russian Northern Fleet, which recently embarked on its annual long voyage in the Arctic Ocean. 

China's maritime summer operation and joint air patrol with Russia off the coast of Alaska did not go unnoticed. 

Culture and shipwreck

At the end of June, the debate series High Noon was organized in Harstad through cooperation between the Arctic Arts Festival and High North News. 

Journalist Astri Edvardsen met Amund Sjølie Sveen there, who has been traveling across the Arctic with Nordting, a people's movement and an artistic-political project, for ten years. 

Last week, Greenlandic and Danish officials launched a successful joint operation to rescue two survivors of a plane crash near Qaqortoq, Greenland. 

Next week, I will attend Arendal Week in the south of Norway, where several exciting debates about the High North will take place. Perhaps I will see you there? 

Feel free to follow us on social media and participate in the debate. If you have something to share, we are happy to receive op-eds and letters to the editor at

Best regards, 

Editor-in-Chief Trine Jonassen
