Newsletter: Happy Summer Holiday!

Tirsdag ledet Arne O. Holm, redaktør i High North News, High Noon-debatt om motstandsdyktighet i nord med følgende stemmer (f.v.): Brigader Terje Bruøygard, sjef, Brigade Nord; Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir, islandsk journalist og forfatter; Jón Kalman Stefánsson, islandsk forfatter; Aslat Simma, reindriftsutøver, Karesuando; Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv, professor, UiT. (Foto: Astri Edvardsen)

On Tuesday, Arne O. Holm from High North News, led the High Noon debate on resilience in the North with (from left): Brigader Terje Bruøygard, author Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir, author Jón Kalman Stefánsson, reindeer owner Aslat Simma and professor Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv. (Photo: Astri Edvardsen)

Dear reader. The debate series High Noon, our cooperation with the Arctic Arts Festivals, is over for now. Four debates over four days, spiced up with musical elements and Arne O. Holm's sharp wit. Here is this spring's last newsletter from High North News.

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True to tradition, Editor and Commentator Arne O. Holm drove his rolling office to Harstad and the Arctic Arts Festival under the High North Tour banner. 

And why does one push oneself through a marathon week of debates year after year during the Arctic Arts Festival? asks Holm rhetorically. 

"Because conversations between people trump everything, and because Harstad was the center of exciting cultural meetings without respect for country borders this week," writes Holm in this week's commentary. 

Together with journalist Astri Edvardsen, he is behind High North News' debate series High Noon. Inspired by the Western film of the same name, it deals with topical issues such as democracy, youth violence, culture, and resilience. 

The two have produced debates, reports, and a wealth of content on our social media channels, including music and glimpses of the chaos behind the scenes, which are worth catching up on.

"We Icelanders never prepare for anything," the author couple Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir and Jón Kalman Stefánsson tells Edvardsen. 

The Icelandic writer participated in the debate about our joint resilience during the Arctic Arts Festival, led by Holm. (Norwegian only)

Holm also led a debate with the band Gåte, which won this year's Eurovision Song Contest. In light of Israel's occupation of Palestine, they had to make a choice whether to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest or not.

And what is it that puts the most democratic countries in the world to the test? Holm asks a diverse panel in front of a packed hall. (Norwegian only) 

Edvardsen met with educator and playwright Rebekka Brox Liabø, who works with developing language skills and belonging among young people. 

Liabø took part in the debate about Arctic formative conditions during High Noon. 

Space and sanctions

 The undersigned finished the season on Andøya, where Andøya Spaceport is practicing the unthinkable. 

Shipping activity along Russia’s Northern Sea Route looks set for a flurry of activity this summer

And Norway remains on track to possibly become the first country to engage in the mining of seafloor minerals. 

Read about this and more at High North News. We are taking the summer off and will see you in August, when we will start sending out our newsletter on Wednesdays, starting August 7th. 

Happy summer holiday from the editorial staff and Editor-in-Chief Trine Jonassen!
