European Capital of Culture: “Northern Norway Needs More Flagship Projects Like This”

Aili Keskitalo

“I am focused on the role of art in society, and I am very engaged with culture here in the North. I believe Bodø2024 will be a great happening with a lot of fabulous experiences”, says Aili Keskitalo. (Photo: Sametinget/The Sami Parliament)

Former Norwegian Sami Parliament President Aili Keskitalo (53) is the new Chair of Bodø2024.

That was announced after a meeting of the top echelon of the organization last week, according to a press release.

Keskitalo takes over after Hill-Marta Solberg, who has been Chair of the project since its beginning in 2020.

“I am very excited and glad that I am entrusted with the position of Chair of Bodø2024. I know the project from my political work at the Sami Parliament and while I am no longer a politician, I will now have the opportunity to continue following a project to which I have high expectations”, Aili Keskitalo says to High North News.

“I was asked if I would consider the position just over a month ago. My first thought was that this would be exciting. I am very much looking forward to starting the job. Northern Norway needs more flagship projects like this”, Keskitalo says.

Close ties to Bodø

“I am very familiar with Bodø’s road to becoming a European Capital of Culture. I worked on the project and the application while I was at the Sami Parliament, and then carried a particular responsibility for the Sami perspectives. And I have naturally followed it closely later on.”

Even though there are 800 kilometers between Kautokeino and Bodø, Keskitalo has strong ties to Bodø and the rest of the region.

“My in-law’s come from Hamarøy [just north of Bodø] and I have daughter who lives part-time in Bodø. I love the city very much. At the same time, I am fully aware that this is about more than Bodø. Now, we are to place the entire region on the map.”

Keskitalo is a high-profile politician. She has, among others served several periods as Sami Parliament President. She has now withdrawn from politics to work as a political advisor for Amnesty Norway. And to Chair Norway’s largest cultural happening for the next couple of years.

With her the project gets a Chair who is most interested in culture.

“I am focused on the role of art in society, and I am very engaged with culture here in the North. I believe Bodø2024 will be a great happening with a lot of fabulous experiences”, Keskitalo says.

No drama

She stresses that the change of Chair does not represent any change to the project’s road ahead.

“There will be no revolution”, the new Chair says with a smile.

“I now look forward to getting to know the organization and its owners, Bodø municipality and Nordland County, as well as the rest of the Board.”

Hill-Marta Solberg has chosen to hand over the position citing her age and desire to work less as a reason for this.

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This article was originally published in Norwegian and has been translated by HNN's Elisabeth Bergquist.
