Especially Warm November on Svalbard and Iceland

On Svalbard, this year's November was record warm, according to the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.

"This is the warmest November that we have registered on Jan Mayen and in Ny-Ålesund, while Bjørnøya has reached the record from 2009. Both Svalbard Airport and Hopen have had the second warmest November ever measured, reports the institute.

In the middle of the month, Svalbard was warmer than Oslo - a discrepancy of the normal temperature of 10 degrees, reported Svalbardposten.

On a national Norwegian level, this was the tenth warmest November since the temperature measuring started in 1900, the institute informs. Northern Norway had a generally warm month, while it was cool as normal in parts of Troms.

The warming of the Arctic resulting from climate change is also reflected elsewhere: This November will probably be the warmest of the century in Iceland, says Truasti Jònsson, meteorologist at Iceland's metrological office, to the national broadcaster RÚV.

According to him, the monthly average temperature in Reykjavik is three degrees above normal. With regard to Akureyri, the largest city outside of the capital region, the corresponding temperature deviation is four degrees.

High temperatures in the late fall are normally accompanied by heavy rainfall, but this has only been the case by the eastern fjords, Jònsson point out.