Covid-19 in the Arctic: Outbreak at Psychiatric Hospital in Arkhangelsk

Arkhangelsk. Photo: Arne O. Holm
On Sunday, there was a strong outbreak of Covid-19 at a psychiatric hospital in Arkhangelsk, Russia. More than 70 staff and patients are currently ill with the virus.
The number of persons infected with Covid-19 in Arkhangelsk oblast increased threefold during 24 hours on Sunday. Regional authorities say a strong increase in the number of infection cases was caused by an outbreak at a psychiatric hospital in Arkhangelsk, according to The Moscow Times.
At least 70 patients and staff have since tested positive for the Corona virus, says Interfax, quoting the regional headquarter of operations.
According to a national monitoring service of Corona infections in Russia, there are currently 114 cases of infection in Arkhangelsk oblast, and one death.
Russia reported a total of 52,763 cases of Covid-19, and 456 deaths as per Tuesday.
This article was originally published in Norwegian and has been translated by HNN's Elisabeth Bergquist.