Closer Cooperateon on Transport in the Northern Nordic Region

The transport ministers Andreas Carlson (Christian Democrats) from Sweden, Jon-Ivar Nygård (Labor) from Norway, and Lulu Ranne (Finns Party) from Finland at the railway terminal in the Port of Narvik in April 2024 during the NATO exercise "Immediate Response." Military equipment reloaded from ships to trains for further transport on the Ofoten Line toward Sweden can be seen in the background. (Photo: the Norwegian Ministry of Transport)
Norway, Sweden, and Finland have established Platform North, a cooperation platform to focus on transport and infrastructure in the Northern Nordic region. "This is a tool to help us reach our joint objectives," says Norwegian Minister of Transport Jon-Ivar Nygård to HNN.
Norway, Sweden, and Finland bring their cross-border transport and infrastructure cooperation one step further through the new initiative Platform North.
The Swedish Transport Administration initiated the process and established the platform together with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and Finnish ELY.
The focus is on the Northern Nordic region.
This week, the Norwegian Minister of Transport, Jon-Ivar Nygård (Labor), participated in the first Platform North conference in Luleå, Northern Sweden. The forum gathered several actors within business, academia, politics, and government.
Nygård tells HNN that the platform takes on several perspectives. Important aspects include military mobility, prioritizing across country borders, sharing information, and coordination.
"This will be a tool to help us reach our shared goals," he says.
Platform North
The background for the cooperation is common transport interests in Northern Norway, Northern Sweden and Northern Finland.
Platform North is a cross-border cooperation between the transport administrations in all three countries.
The motivation behind the initiative is threefold:
- industrial investments in the north
- the green transition
- increased focus on military mobility
Source: the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.
Focus on the Ofoten Railway Line
Nygård explains that the cooperation platform is still in its start-up phase and that several details still need to be agreed upon.
However, he is clear on the countries being well underway in identifying important projects.
"The Ofoten Line is a good example, where both Norway and Sweden will build passing loops.
On the Norwegian side, the further development of the Ofoten Line includes the construction of three new passing loops to increase capacity. On the Swedish side, where the railway line is called the Iron Ore Line, the Swedish government recently approved the extension of three junction stations and one railway area.
The crucial railway line between Norway and Sweden in the North is currently characterized by low capacity, which is expected to worsen in the coming years with additional demand from industrial and commercial actors. The railway is also seen as an essential strategic transport corridor for the movement of allied forces.
Several have called for double tracks as the most critical measure for the heavily loaded line.
Focus on cross-border cooperation
Platform North follows several initiatives and processes to strengthen transport and infrastructure cooperation in the North.
The work formally started in the spring of 2024. At the same time, in May 2024, Nordic transport authorities met in Luelå. There, they set out three prioritized areas:
- A joint transport plan for the Nordic region
- Funding (funding opportunities and coordinated applications)
- An information platform
"The three Nordic countries have cooperated closely and well on transport, but the need to step up has increased after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This applies to the east-west connection, among other things," the Norwegian transport minister states.
"Several cooperation processes have been initiated between our departments, agencies, and other actors. This is about how to increase resilience, be prepared, and increase military mobility, among other things," he summarizes.