Arctic Circle Forum on Scotland and the New North

"Scotland may not quite, geographically, be part of the Arctic Circle, but in our heritage, culture, policy approach – and sometimes maybe even our weather! – there is much that we share." Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland at the 2016 forum. (Photo: Arne O. Holm)
The Scottish government will cooperate with the Arctic Circle to organize the next Arctic Circle Forum titled ‘Scotland and the New North’ in November this year.
The Scottish government will cooperate with the Arctic Circle to organize the next Arctic Circle Forum titled ‘Scotland and the New North’ in November this year.
The Arctic Circle describes itself as ‘a network of dialogue and cooperation on the future of the Arctic’, and its annual assembly takes place in Reykjavik, Iceland every year in October. In addition, the AC organizes forums on specific areas of Arctic cooperation.
The next forum will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 19-21 November 2017, in cooperation with the Scottish government.